Saturday, September 27, 2008

BRITNEY: New Single

WOW, has it been a long time since I've written a blog or what? Yes, it has. I've been working non-stop, trying to get an assistant manager job, and keeping up with the frandz/fam. But, I'm not too busy to deliver this amazing bit of news. She's back! You know who I'm talking about! Britney! That's right, kids, she's back with a new single. It's called Womanizer and it was released on September 26th:] It's great, it truly is. Make sure to read the lyrics while you listen to it, because it makes it all the better!

To listen to the song, go to and it will start playing immediately. BUT, buy it on iTunes on October 6th. Support Britney and don't download it off Limewire!

Where you from, how's it going?
I know you
Gotta clue, what you’re doing?
You can play brand new to all the other chicks out here
But I know what you are, what you are, baby

Look at you
Gettin' more than just a re-up
Baby, you
Got all the puppets with their strings up
Fakin' like a good one, but I call 'em like I see 'em
I know what you are, what you are, baby

Womanizer, you're a womanizer
Boy, don't try to front
I know just what you are
(Spoken: You got me goin', you're oh-so charmin', but I can do it, womanizer)
Boy, don't try to front
I know just what you are
(Spoken: You say I'm crazy, I got your crazy, you're nothin' but a womanizer)

You got the swagger of a champion
Too bad for you
You just can't find the right companion
I guess when you have one too many, makes it hard
It could be easy, but that's just who you are, baby

Must mistake me for a sucker
To think that I
Would be a victim, not another
Say it, play it how you wanna
But no way I'm never gonna fall for you, never you, baby

Womanizer, you're a womanizer
Boy, don't try to front
I know just what you are
(Spoken: You got me goin', you're oh-so charmin', but I can do it, womanizer)
Boy, don't try to front
I know just what you are
(Spoken: You say I'm crazy, I got your crazy, you're nothin' but a womanizer)

Maybe if we both lived in a different world
It would be all good, and maybe I could be your girl
But I can't 'cause we don't

Womanizer, you're a womanizer
Boy, don't try to front
I know just what you are
(Spoken: You got me goin', you're oh-so charmin', but I can do it, womanizer)
Boy, don't try to front
I know just what you are
(Spoken: You say I'm crazy, I got your crazy, you're nothin' but a womanizer)
Boy, don't try to front
I know just what you are
Womanizer, you're a womanizer, baby

Does Brit's single hit you, baby one more time?


Thursday, September 11, 2008

VLOG #1!

Here's my first blog. Nothing special, just trying it out- Hope to start a YouTube show very very soon. xoxo

This is me or whatever^^

Derrick Barry Britney Spears

Has anyone heard of Derrick Barry? Well, if you haven't, you must! He's brilliant. He's a professional... get this... Britney Spears impersonator. Yeah, he gets paid to act like BritBrit! This is only my dream- or my dream boy? Anyways, I have never seen anyone do such a good job at acting like the Pop Princess. EVER. He has every movement perfect. Please watch this video and enjoy!

Watch Derrick Barry and his magic above

Monday, September 8, 2008

2008 VMA's: BORING

So, by 7 o'clock I'm freaking out. I still have no idea if Britney is performing, but I'm praying for it and almost making myself sick. 8 o'clock rolls around and I'm completely irritated- I'm sort of impatient. Finally, the countdown clock shows "30 seconds remaining". This is it! It could be one of pop history's biggest comeback performances! "4 seconds remaining". My heart is pounding, seriously. It starts, and what comes on screen? Britney Spears' dressing room door! WAIT, WHAT? Next thing I know, we're inside Britney's dressing room, watching a hilarious skit performed by her and Jonah Hill about opening for the VMA's. So I find out there's no performance after all, but Britney still delivers and makes me smile!

So, after all this, Rihanna's hit, Disturbia, starts playing and I once again get extremely excited. She looks flawless as usual, but sadly, does not do a good job, whatsoever. She completely disappoints me. She barely moves the whole time, her voice sounds horrible, and overall, it was very boring. I know she's young and sort of just reaching super star material, but Britney did it perfectly at the same age, so I must compare.

Here's a list of some of the performers at the 2008 VMA's and my ratings of the performances, from 1-10. Lil Wayne: 5, Katy Perry:6, Paramore:1, T.I.(and Rihanna again):6, Pink:7, Christina Aguilera:5, Kid Rock:6, and The Jonas Brothers:9.

Even though the VMA's practically put me to sleep, Britney took home 3 moon men! She won Best Female Video, Best Pop Video, and Video Of The Year. These were all for Piece Of Me. Good job, Britney!

Here's the Britney we love: Fresh faced, happy, and on top!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Gimme More, Britney!

Everybody knows about last years VMA's "disaster", but will MTV give Britney another chance to redeem herself and finally give us the comeback we all deserve!? Well, according to Mr. Manager(Larry Rudolph), that's not going to happen....

Wait a second, if this isn't going to happen, why was this AMAZING video of Britney performing a new song and dance leaked on to YouTube one day before the VMA's? Yeah- One day... You tell me.

Watch this video, I think we got BritBrit back.

Do you think BritBrit should be given another chance?

Monday, September 1, 2008

7 8 Things I Love About Miley C

1. She made this: 7 Things
2. She's Hannah Montana
3. Her name's not even Miley, it's Destiny
4. She has veneers(oh wait, is this bad to love?)
5. She probably sucked N.Jonas' D
6. There is a actually a giant cardboard cutout of her for sale at FYE for $30
7. She actually took semi nude pictures for Vanity Fair and loved it
8. She'll be a billionaire by 18

What are some things you guys love about Miley -or hate?

Hollywood's Hottest: RIHANNA

In new and improved form, the Barbadian Princess has now come out with a dazzling new video for her smash hit, Disturbia. WOW, when I saw this, I was beyond impressed. Rihanna is not only a gorgeous, rich, astounding vocalist, she can prove she doesn't need to stick to one style and look perfect doing it.


What do you guys think of the video? Should Rihanna keep trying new things or stick to being Jay-Z's Umbrella?

Friday, August 29, 2008


I'm sure many people figured that Britney Spears has been spending a shit load of money in the last few years, but have you ever wondered on what? Unfortunately, I know the answer...

Of course if you are a multi-millionaire you can afford to spend a few extra bucks here and there, but what if I told you in the year of 2007, Miss Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, spent $5.239 million?? A MONTH!! That's about $174,633 a day, $7,276.38 an hour, and $121.27 a minute! I couldn't believe it. That's right, BritBrit's biggest fan couldn't believe it.

Anyways, the absurdity continues. Here's a list I created of Britney's money and where it went every month in the year of 2007.

1. Britney spent $16,000 on clothing, compared to my $25 a month limit.
2. $102,000 of the $5.239 million spent a month went to traveling... okay?
3. K-SPED gets $35,000 a month. (I mean, he deserved it, right? NOT.)
4. $86,000 on medical bills. No comment.
5. And of course, there's the 5 million bucks spent on nothing. Yup, this means Starbucks, wigs, massages, and whatever else is a necessity for a girl woman gone toxic.

The point of this blog was more to show people how good of a job Britney has done in making a turn around in the year of 2008- by only spending $1.048 million a month, which isn't bad for such a hefty spender. Good job, Brit!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

My first blog!

So, today Ellis and I were on our way to Starbucks, blasting the new hit "When I Grow Up" by The Pussy Cat Dolls, when I turned it down babbling about how PCD always has the best hits. Anyways..... Ellis looks at me and says "I really wish you could have a blog about pop culture...." so here I am, writing my first blog:]